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An editor does so much more than correct grammar. With close to 15 years of experience in educational publishing and magazine sectors, my editorial experience includes structural editing, stylistic editing, proofreading, web editing, fact checking, and preparing items for press.


Structural Editing

Assessing and shaping draft material to improve its organization and content. Changes may be suggested to or drafted for the writer.

Structural editing may include: revising, reordering, cutting, or expanding material writing original material determining whether permissions are necessary for third-party material recasting material that would be better presented in another form, or revising material for a different medium (such as revising print copy for web copy) clarifying plot, characterization, or thematic elements

Also known as substantive editing, manuscript editing, content editing, or developmental editing.



Examining material after layout or in its final format to correct errors in textual and visual elements. The material may be read in isolation or against a previous version. It includes checking for: adherence to design minor mechanical errors (such as spelling mistakes or deviations from style sheet) consistency and accuracy of elements in the material (such as cross-references, running heads, captions, web page heading tags, hyperlinks, and metadata)

It may also include: distinguishing between printer's, designer's, or programmer's errors and writer's or editor's alterations copyfitting flagging or checking locations of art inserting page numbers or checking them against content and page references.

Note that proofreading is checking a work after editing; it is not a substitute for editing.

Stylistic Editing

Editing to clarify meaning, ensure coherence and flow, and refine the language. It includes: eliminating jargon, clichés, and euphemisms establishing or maintaining the language level appropriate for the intended audience, medium, and purpose adjusting the length and structure of sentences and paragraphs establishing or maintaining tone, mood, style, and authorial voice or level of formality.

Also known as line editing (which may also include copy editing).


Web Editing

Editing and updating the content of web pages, including text, images, and links. It includes: checking links to ensure they point to the right places checking that link text accurately reflects where the link goes reorganizing or revising print copy for the web editing or writing web copy according to web-writing best practices proofreading final websites and checking for consistency on all site elements identifying potential copyright issues.

It may also include: reviewing websites on multiple platforms (such as ensuring links are substantial enough for touchscreen users) advising on accessibility issues reviewing or creating information architecture implementing changes using a content management system.